Malala is a girl born and raised in Swat Village, Pakistani. She is a pupil in school and an education activist from Mingora in Swat District. The Taliban had at a time, banned girls from attending school, in response, Malala wrote a blog under a pseudonym for the BBC. She wrote about how her life was under Taliban rule. She also tried promoting her views on education for girls. The next summer, New York Times filmed a documentary of her life while the Pakistani military came in between their religion. While she was returning home from school, in an assassination attempt by a Taliban gunman, she was shot in her head and neck. After the assassination attempt day, she remained in a hospital unconscious in critical condition.


Plagiarism, people have done it and gotten into a lot of trouble for it.
1) The definition of plagiarism: using someone else's work, without giving them credit for it while also passing it on as your own work/idea.
2) To avoid plagiarism - understand what it is first, know how to correctly cite your sources and cite all your sources in notes, outlines and drafts for any projects.


1.     Why would it NOT be a good idea to use acronyms in a formal email?
The receiver of the email might not know what you are talking about i.e.: lol, wtf and omg.

2.     Why is it recommended to compress files larger that 5MB when sending attachments in email?
To save more space for other things.

3.     Why is it proper to add peoples addresses in the bcc: (blind carbon copying) field when sending group emails?

4.     Why should you enter a topic in the Subject line/field?

5.     How should you respond and treat people in an online discussion board such as this one?

I think that the iPhone 5s finger print scanner doesn't really make a difference because someone can still break into your phone but in a more painful way. Or they could do a little trick that may or may not work, they could breathe on the phone since your breath sticks to everything except the oil on your fingers. I don't like it and I think its dumb.

    boss man

    Something about myself.

    Comment whatever you want to comment